Daddy came back from his business trip and I found a stowaway in his luggage.
Introducing Archie. Archie doesn't play and bark, I was hoping that he will. He also has a long tail just like some of my pals.
Here are some photos of Archie
Meeting Archie for the first time
Archie the Salt and Pepper Minature Schnauzer
Archie and Me
Archie and Me again
I was adopted by my pawrents on the 26 April 2008.
Read all about my adventures of my doggy paws and me.
cObI bArKBoX
My DoGgy PaLs
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A (Lightning Fast) Update - Hi everyone! So sorry for not updating or visiting your blogs...Mom has been rather busy the past month what with her changing jobs and what not. I'm doing...14 years ago
Traffic Feed's finally done. Mummy finally frame up my paw imprint with a nice photo taken by Sushi's Daddy.
Here is the final table-top frame.
Frame on TV console
Mummy like this photo very much. She says I looked very happy :)
My paw imprint with my name
Daddy is out of town again. While he is away, Mummy decided to do something interesting with me.
She just got a Pearhead Table Top Frame. What is so special about this frame? Well, it's a frame that not only allows Mummy frame up my beautiful photo but also a paw imprint of me. The clay used is a non-toxic material thus there is no worries about me licking my paw after our handiwork.
Here are some of the photos of the process to get my paw imprint :)
Pearhead Table Top Frame
The clay and the tools
Aluminium foil use to prevent the clay from sticking on the surface and to keep it clean
It was a bright and sunny day on the 20th Sep for a walk in the MacRitchie Reservoir Park. We met up with our doggy pals for a nice morning walk.
As MacRitchie Reservoir Park is a nature reserve, there are certain area which we furries are not allowed :(
Never the less, we all had a great walk and a great time sniffing each other out.
Here are some photos taken
7 furries on a beach: From Left to Right
Me, Shadow, Tessie, Ozzy, Rocky, Emma and Ebi
Look at our long tongues :P
Rocky, Ebi and Me!!
Happy Me :)
Here are some photos taken @ K9 cafe
Happy Rocky
Lovely Shadow
Pawrents brought me to the Offroad Bistro & Bar on the 13th Sep. The dog friendly bistro is located in Pasir Ris Park, just beside the Gallop Stables. It's a great place to chill out after a walk in the park.
Uncle Lionel, the owner of the bistro and Daddy's offroad buddy, also has a miniature schnauzer name Pepper. I met Pepper a few times during Daddy's offroad events. He's a great looking miniature schnauzer.
Here are some photos taken
Offroad Bistro & Bar
Welcome Note from Offroad Bistro & Bar
Me with a MT