Out of Action

Boo hoo!!!!! I finally got to use the lappy to blog......but I'm having problem uploading the photos.

I've got so much to share about my adventures over the weekend. And Pawrents are going away again.......this time for 7 days :(

I will be @ baby Clover's house while they are away. Who's baby Clover? Tune in to find out more.

Back @ home

Finally, I'm back.

Pawrent came to fetch me on Sun night. Boy, I sure miss them....although I enjoyed my stay with Aunty Unicorn.

Click here to read more on my stay with Aunty Unicorn.

Thank you, Aunty Unicorn for taking such good care of me. I'm looking forward to another stay over soon :)

Going on holidays??

Cobi: Mummy, why are you packing my things? Are we going on a holiday?

Mummy: Sorry dear, Daddy and Mummy are going on a roadtrip. You can't come with us. You will be staying with Auntie Unicorn while we are away :)
Cobi: Haiz.....why can't I come along?
Mummy: Cos you don't have a passport.....LOL
Cobi: *Hump* I'm not going to talk to you both. Angry!!!!

The day where dogs conquer the Fort

Last Sunday, Daddy brought me to Fort Canning for Bark in the Park. This event was organised by Beneful and there are many activities like dog massage, demostrations and booths set up by local shelters to raise funds.

The weather was just fine although there was a slight drizzle. Mummy went early to help out in one of the booth. I was very excited to see a big field and so many doggies around.

Some of the fund raising booths

This is Coco. She's a lab-mix and only 6 months old. Her owner wanted to sent her to SPCA to be put down but luckily she was rescue by Animal Lover League. She's a bit nervous among other dogs as she has never socialise with other dogs before. But she is human friendly.

This is Snowy. He is a very sweet boy and will follow his fosterer around. Mummy is not sure of Snowy's age or his background. I hope both Coco and Snowy can both find a loving home soon.

ALL's 2 little helpers with Jappy

Prince the Westie

A very handsome GR

A cute silky terrier

A newly found friend

All looking at pretty gals

Billie Jean

Ladybird poodle. Reminds me of MoMo with her ladybird costume.
A sweet singapore special with the owner
I was totally exhuasted when we reach home. As I was napping away after my shower, I was awaken by some loud sound. I enjoyed my first fireworks display together with pawrents.

The fireworks marks the end of weekend. Monday blues again.

Carnival Fun & Weekend Swim

Yipee....Daddy's back from his trip and I overheard them saying that we are going to a carnival on Saturday. Woot!!! Carnival....games....foods......and lots of friends.

We went to Happy Daze for lunch together with Domo pawrents, Tang Tang Mummy and Sweetie Mummy. After lunch, we headed off to Kranji D' Resort. There are some booths selling doggies products and there are also some fun games.

Me posing for the free photo session with Men@Work

Here are some photos taken

Dodo, Momo, Tang Tang and Sweetie entered the most well-dressed pet contest. Since I dont have any costume, I didnt entered. So we cheered for them.
DoDo: I'm a happy bumble bee
MoMo: If I walk, can I have some treats.......
Tang Tang: I look funny with these big big ears
Aunty G: Ah Sweet!!!Here!!!
Sweetie: Huh? Where? Who turns off the lights!
In the end, Sweetie won the first prize for being the best dressed pet :)
Come Sunday, pawrents brought me to Sentosa Tanjong Beach for a swim. We together with Aunty G and her tinies met up with our MS pals. We also met the Jacketeers and Domo there.

Tezzie: What's tat in the water?
DoDo: Where???What???
MoMo: Jellifish? Food?
Sweetie: Hmmm.....I think I better get out of the water
Tezzie: I'm going in for a closer look.
Cobi: I'm with you.
Julius: Look!!
Sniper: What's that? Is it dead?

Ebi: Come on, give me some space!!! I'm the official life guard.....Let me give the turtle CPR!

Weekend without Daddy!!

It's the weekend again, but this weekend is different cos Daddy is away camping with Pam Jie Jie and Shuan Kor Kor.

Since Daddy can't bring me along, I stayed home with Mummy :(

And guess what, Mummy brought me to the groomer on Sat....arghhh......I thought I can escape grooming since there is no transport.

Well, here's me after grooming

Photo taking again :(

Is that what I think it is?

Still waiting for my treats =.=

Come Sunday, Mummy left me at home to attend Ebi's barkday celebration @ K9 without me. *Pouts* So angry with Mummy!!!

Here are some photos taken

Emma Mei Mei

Ebi Kor Kor

Coincidently Mummy also met Aunty G with Sweetie @ K9

Sweetie with a white GSD

Ebi's Barkday Cake

Barkday Boy

Yummy Cake

Cute Sweetie
Happy Barkday to Ebi Kor Kor. May you stay healthy and happy. Looking forward to more outing with you and the rest of the gang :)